In its ten year journey the BC Bike Race has become the model for a new type of stage racing. One where the quality of the trail is more important than long grueling miles and collecting elevation stats like it’s Pokemon Go. It has evolved to be a race that prioritizes the experience of the participants who seek the best trails in the world. For seven straight days the BCBR explores the fabled coastal trails of British Columbia where equipment and skills are tested on terrain that can make you pucker and punch the air with joy a hundred times a day.
The BC Bike Race has always been a great event for us to do product testing. We send engineers from Japan, heads of marketing from all over the world, and a variety of other people within the company to be a part of the event. From the Shimano Mechanical Support at aid stations to actually doing the race we’ve triangulated our observational positions to allow us to go home with hard data. You might find your local Shimano rep riding along with the President of the company in any given year because we’re in love with this race!
This year Joe Lawwill, our US Marketing director, decided it would be an excellent idea to put the new XT Di2 through the BCBR washing machine with four top level riders. If the drivetrains survive and possibly podium the race, what better proof would you need of the quality of the equipment?