



2020-10-27 09:04 發布

幕后 | 行業資訊









劉:這部電影給我們的籌備時間并不長,用的器材都是我最熟悉的。這次用了兩臺四、五十尺規格的大型電子伸縮炮搭配減震頭或遙控頭,同時用了16米和8米的搖臂搭配三軸遙控頭或者大疆的云臺,這幾年開始加入一些小型的電子伸縮炮,比如Scorpio 10尺。

《金剛川》這次還用了一臺全新的Scorpio 17尺,Scorpio 17尺用起來特別方便,承重也足夠大,可以裝我們的大機器使用。我們這次拍攝的內容都是天上的飛機素材,在棚里拍攝的時候地面上有一個6軸的震動平臺,演員在道具飛機里完成表演,跟《流浪地球》拍攝時類似,所有的機位都會升空。我們的拍攝時間特別緊張,前期設計時就決定同時使用3到4個機位來提升拍攝效率。










實際上我們這次用的是全球第一臺天蝎17尺電子伸縮炮,當時看到它時我覺得非常震撼,而且能用上全世界第一臺Scorpio 17尺電子伸縮炮,我覺得特別榮幸。在此之前我也用過很多別的型號的Scorpio電子伸縮炮,最大的感受就是特別穩、特別結實,然后承重也夠大,現場可靠性非常高,輕易不會出什么問題,用Scorpio的電子伸縮炮會覺得很有安全感。配上軌道以后,除了一些特別高的角度,平時我們使用率最高的攝影機運動用Scorpio17尺幾乎都能完成。只要用到電子伸縮炮的時候,我都會搭配軌道一起使用,這樣可以實現非常靈活的攝影機運動。

Scorpio 17尺電子伸縮炮配合軌道使用


劉:我跟我們的移動機械組一起合作拍了很多年戲,大家的默契度很高,不管是大型還是小型的電子伸縮炮對我們的拍攝來說沒有太大區別,當然Scorpio 17尺在這其中是屬于特別靈活的。比如音樂廳這樣的場景,用到伸縮炮的時候我們要放很多東西,像四、五十尺的這種大型的伸縮炮一旦要改機位就要拆很多東西。我們一旦定了位置,就不會輕易挪動,重新布置現場要花很長時間,Scorpio17這樣的尺寸就方便很多,三四個人就可以很快地完成帶軌道的現場預置工作。

在高臺上的Scorpio 17尺電子伸縮炮








Scorpio 17尺電子伸縮炮完全伸展的工作狀態




Mini Scorpio遙控頭搭配Scorpio 17尺電子伸縮炮

移動機械組在這部戲中扮演了什么角色?對天蝎17尺電子伸縮炮的人機工程設計有何感受?綜合怎么評價Scorpio 17尺?

肖利:我們一天最多到4臺炮, 2臺電子伸縮炮,兩臺普通的升降用來架燈,拍攝調度方面除了操作復雜一點,拍攝并沒有什么問題,主要就是靠移動機械器材來完成的。現場的拍攝流程也實踐過很多遍了,每天我們會提前到現場把大致的機位下好,劉老師再定機器的具體位置以及燈光的位置。

像Scorpio 17尺這樣的電子伸縮炮非常靈活,給我們的工作帶來很大的便利,拍攝效率也比以前更高。Scorpio 17尺在100平左右的環境下使用非常適合,幾十平的房間里也能進得去。同等的尺寸下,我感覺Scorpio 17尺比一些同類設備的使用要快捷很多。我們在現場也需要經常拆卸組裝設備,有時候一天還要好幾次,比起老式的機械搖臂,Scorpio 17尺不需要減臂,調整下機械臂的角度就可以移動機位了。

Scorpio 17尺電子伸縮炮在不完全伸展時的工作狀態

綜合來說,我個人對天蝎這個品牌的印象非常好,它非常清楚知道我們需要什么樣的設備,用起來很順手,Scorpio 17做得非常到位。Scorpio 17還有垂直補償的功能,是非常實用的功能,無論是從遠到近,還是從上到下都能得到順滑的攝影機移動效果。

Grand production, Scorpio 17’ electronic telescopic crane as a great addition to "The Sacrifice" movie’s production!

The Sacrifice" is a war-themed movie with the story of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army going abroad to fight against U.S. aggression and to aid Korea. The film commemorates the 70th anniversary of this war. It tells the story of Chinese volunteer soldiers fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield. For such a historical war film, the method of filming "The Sacrifice" is quite different. Just before the grand release of the film, Mr. Liu Yin received our interview. He is one of the directors of photography of "The Sacrifice", and a pioneer of China's industrialized film production. He shared with us the behind-the-scenes story of using Scorpio electronic telescopic crane for the filming.

“The Sacrifice” movie poster

What story does "The Sacrifice" tell? What was imposed on the filming by the unique narrative structure of this film?

Mr. Liu Yin (hereinafter referred to as Liu): " The Sacrifice " tells a story about our war of Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The film tells the Chinese volunteer soldiers heroic fighting against the enemy under extremely difficult circumstances, from the perspectives of artillery, infantry, and air force. " The Sacrifice " consist of several parts, but they all tell the same story. The production of these parts was assigned to different directors to shoot. Director Guo Fan and I shot the part from the perspective of the Air Force. Like "The Wandering Earth", we shot the aerial perspective scenes in the studio through live-action and special effects combined. This is a production method we are very familiar with and it requires a very high level of control on-site.

“The Sacrifice” open ceremony

What mobile equipment did you use and what kind of visual effects do you want to create? Why did you choose the Scorpio 17‘ telescopic crane as the main mobile equipment?

Liu: We didn’t have much time for the preparation of this movie, so we chose to use the equipment that I am most familiar with. I usually have a 45’ or50’ large telescopic crane with a stabilized head, and a 16-meter or a 8-meter rocker arm with a three-axis remote stabilized head. In recent years, some small electronic telescopic cranes have been added, such as the Scorpio 10’. This time we also got a brand-new Scorpio 17’, because Scorpio 17’ is very convenient to use, its load-bearing capacity is large enough to be used with our large cameras and lenses. Our part of the film is all about aircraft scenes in the sky which we shot in the studio. There is a 6-axis vibration platform on the ground. The actors did most of acting in the prop aircraft, similar to "The Wandering Earth", all cameras were lifted in the air. Our production time was very tight, so we decided to use 3 to 4 telescopic cranes at the same time to increase efficiency.

Studio scenes shooting

We have to simulate different natural light and shadow effects in the studio, such as dusk, early morning, evening, etc.. This means the operation is complicated. In fact, the most difficult operation is the coordination between the camera and the light, because we wanted to achieve a lot of moving light effects. For example, when the plane is flying in the sky, there will be clouds for some time and there will be no clouds for other times. The light effects will change after turning around or moving away the camera. We had to accurately capture the motion shots we want in a short time.

Simulate dawn lighting

We also used BOLT. Our earliest design included putting an airplane model on the robotic arm, and then the airplane can perform various movements. A camera was mounted on the BOLT, via moving on a track we can capture the airplane’s different positions. The robotic arm and the camera move at the same time, and the data obtained from them are used as references for the special effects, because we were on a very tight schedule.

BOLT with the aircraft model

How are the positions of the electronic telescopic cranes allocated? Which memorable shots did you shoot with the electronic telescopic crane? How do you feel about the Scorpio 17’ electronic telescopic crane?

Liu: Scorpio 17’ is such a great electronic telescopic crane, of course, is used for the important cameras. We are not going to use such good equipment for putting up lights. We used many mechanical rocker arms, two of which are used to place lights, and the lighting crew pushes and pulls these rocker arms back and forth to create a moving effect of light and shadow. Cameras and lights needed to be coordinated closely, and their movement at any time is very particular. In addition, we must make sure we get the light angle we want without making goofs.

On the contrary, camera movement was not particularly complicated. I can only recall a complicated 360-degree rotating camera movement. In the beginning, the camera followed the plane from the tail, and then it moved to the side of the pilot, then rotating, and finally drilled into the cabin of the plane. At this time, the camera is shooting from a first-person perspective looking forward.

World’s first Scorpio 17’, serial No. 001

For our film we used the world's first Scorpio 17’ electronic telescopic crane. I was very impressed when I first saw it, and it was a great honor to be able to use the world's first Scorpio 17’. I have used many other models of Scorpio electronic telescopic cranes before, my feeling is that Scorpio cranes are very stable, very robust, and the load-bearing capacity is large. They are very reliable during filming, you feel safe and comfortable to use Scorpio cranes. With the track, except for some extremely high angles, almost all the common camera movements can be done with a Scorpio 17’. As long as I use an electronic telescopic crane, I use it with the track, this combination allows us to achieve very flexible camera movement.

Scorpio 17’ crane on track

What do you think of the efficiency of shooting with Scorpio 17’?

Liu: I have been working with our mobile equipment team for many years, everyone has a high degree of understanding. Whether it is a large or small electronic telescopic crane, there is not much difference for our shooting, but for sure, Scorpio 17’ is one of the nimblest. For example, in a scene like a concert hall, we need to put a lot of things on a telescopic crane. Once a large crane like 45’ or 50’ with a camera needs to be moved, a lot of things need to be taken down and reset. So once we set the position, we won't move easily, because it takes a long time to re-arrange the site. Scorpio 17’ is very convenient, only need three or four people to quickly complete the site preset work with tracks.

Scorpio 17’ on scaffold

How do you feel about special effects composite shooting? What do you think of China's industrialized film production?

Liu: Whether to use special effects to shoot depends on the style of each director. For example, Nolan likes live action shooting. Live action shooting has different effects on actors and audiences, but if we speak of convenience or controllability, studio is definitely the safest. Our team has been doing special effects shooting for a long time, and now shooting with special effects is not as mysterious like 10 years ago. At present, the shooting methods we are using are already very proficient. The process of designing the shots and rehearsing in the virtual studio is an effective method that we have repeatedly verified. I think this is the best practice for a film production with a relatively large amount of special effects. To prepare everything that needs to be accurately prepared in the early stage, and then just recreate the same scenes on site. So, we are more accurate on the time, rhythm, the camera movement and the light and shadow structure. The most important thing is that the shooting is more efficient.

Behind the scenes of "The Sacrifice" shooting

Mr. Xiao Li, the head of the mobile equipment team also accepted an interview with NiceFilm Tech.

How did you become working in "The Sacrifice" production team and when did you start your career?

Xiao Li: I have shot movies with Mr. Liu Yin since 2012. At first, I was a foreman, then a cameraman, and then I did all the photography operations on mobile equipment. Mr. Liu watches over me and was willing to give me a chance, I also really enjoy this job. I learned while practicing, and I became more and more familiar with the work, so I became persistent on doing mobile photography operations.

Scorpio 17’ arm fully extended

What is your first impression of the Scorpio 17’ telescopic crane?

Xiao Li: I independently operated the electronic telescopic crane for the first time in 2015. It was a Scorpio electronic telescopic crane, which is a medium-large heavy-duty one . In fact, I was very worried at the beginning, because I lacked experience and was afraid of making mistakes, but in the end, I found it was not as difficult as I imagined. Although it is large in size, but its operation was easy and the movement was very flexible. Previously, I used mechanical rocker arms of 8 meters and 16 meters, but such mechanical arms’ assembling and operation are not as easy as electronic telescopic cranes. Apart from being very flexible, Scorpio 17 ’can even replace Dolly carts. Operations at high or low angles are very simple, which is difficult to do with mechanical rocker arms.

On "The Sacrifice" production is my first time using Scorpio 17’ electronic telescopic crane. Its stability is better than many models I have used before. It is light and can bear heavy load. I think it is nimbler than many other cranes in the same range. This time we shot in the studio for twenty days, without the electronic telescopic crane, it would have been impossible to complete the mission.

Scorpio 17’ plus Scorpio Mini stabilized head

What role does the mobile equipment team play in this production? How do you feel about the ergonomic design of the Scorpio 17’ electronic telescopic crane? What’s your evaluation of Scorpio 17’ overall?

Xiao Li: We have up to 4 cranes on site a day, 2 electronic telescopic cranes, and two common ones for the lights. There wasn’t any real problem, expect the operation is more complicated. Everything was rehearsed many times. Every day we will arrive on site in advance to set the approximate camera positions, and Mr. Liu will determine the precise positions of the cameras and the lights. Electronic telescopic crane like the Scorpio 17’ is very nimble, which brings great convenience to our work, and made the production more efficient than before. Scorpio 17’ is very suitable for an environment of about 100 square meters, and you can also use it in slightly smaller environment. Compare to other cranes of the same size, I feel that the Scorpio 17’ is much faster to set up. We need to disassemble and assemble equipment frequently on site, sometimes several times a day. Compared with the old-fashioned mechanical rocker arm, the arm of Scorpio 17’ doesn’t need to be taken down, only to adjust the angle of the lower arm then you can move it.

Scorpio 17’ arm folded

On the whole, I personally have a very good impression of the Scorpio products. They know exactly what kind of equipment we need,Scorpio is comfortable to use. Scorpio 17’ has great full functionalities.It also has a vertical compensation function which is very practical, whether it is from distance to close, or from top to bottom, you can always get a smooth camera movement.

Thanks to Mr. Liu Yin & Mr. Xiao Li for accepting NiceFilm Tech’s special interview. NiceFilm Tech is a reseller of a full range of Scorpio electronic telescopic cranes and stabilized heads. If you want to purchase, lease, or need a quote or technical advice, please contact us!


文/NiceFilm Tech. 來源/影視工業網(ID:iloveCineHello)








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